TheatreZone Housing Application
We invite you to help TheatreZone’s bottom line by hosting one or more of our performers. They will greatly appreciate your generosity, and you will learn about what goes into producing our shows!
Because TheatreZone is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, you may be entitled to a tax deduction for any rental income you would have earned during the time you donated this space to us.
We will recognize your generosity as an Actor Housing Sponsor in our Showbills. Plus, we will give you two free tickets to the show that is running while you are hosting.
Please complete the below application to house an actor for an upcoming TheatreZone show. Your application will be securely submitted to us. If you would like to inquire further, please email Karen@Theatre.Zone.

I/We wish to offer housing for an out-of-town actor.
I/We understand that there is no compensation offered other than two tickets to the show running during the hosting period. Seating choices are offered at TheatreZone’s discretion.
I/We understand that TheatreZone will provide an in-kind donation letter recognizing my housing assistance, but that it is my responsibility to determine any corresponding value that I may report to the Internal Revenue Service.